• Creative account lead

  • Art Direction

  • Page design

Sony Mobile

Global product and landing pages

My role
As the creative lead on the Sony account, I was in charge of all art direction across the multi-product platform, developed content ideas, photography briefs and asset guidelines to create immersive brand experiences at a global scale.

Key results
Build a fantastic client relationship and expanded Sony’s account portfolio to include all Xperia products, making it the agency's most profitable account at the time.

For Sony Mobile we developed a new content strategy, defined dynamic creative territories and asset creation guidelines across the global platform.

Following UX insights, we re-structured the page flow, championed the camera by introducing the use of Taken with Xperia photography and feature icons across the pages. At the same time, we re-focussed the pages to show off the product design in all its glory.

SONY MOBILE product pages

Technical note - Sketch workflow

We optimised the workflow by introducing Sketch’s symbol system to create a module library that super-charged the page creation and asset delivery. Enabling the rapid launch of hundreds of world-class product pages every year.


ROYAL MAIL — business videos


IFF — brand video